Wednesday 31 July 2013

Dont trust the B*** in apartment 23

last night i decided to give 'don't trust the  b*** in apartment 23' a try. i know its canceled, and i try to avoi shows that have been canceled, its not they will be bad shows i just don't want to be invested into a show and when it gets canceled it leaves me without any closure, like the remake of V that started in 2009 and ran for 2 seasons i didn't know it was cancelled and i'm telling you now don't watch it,again its not that its bad it, in fact it was the opposite, i really enjoyed the story and the characters (well most of them). But on the last episode:  one, sorry, two of the main characters dies, and to put it basically the whole world gets fucked over, i couldn't wait to watch the next one and then i found out that there wasn't going to be another. i was fucking livid i didn't know what to do. so that's the reason that i don't like to watch shows that get cancelled but i thought that this one cant be that bad because it really doesn't have a big arcing story line, it just puts comical characters in comical situations and each story line is closed at the end of each episode so i think ill be fine.

Anyway i kinda liked the show, ive seen the the first season, and if there's nothing on i wont really think twice about putting it back on. it never really made me cry with laughter they were more chuckles then anything else but that's better than nothing. I enjoyed the main characters, some more than others i didnt like the character June Colburn, played by Dreama Walker, i think she was too naive for her own good but i understand that she is used just to bounce off the titled bitch, who is the best character on the show. Krysten Ritter (playing Chloe McGruff) is fantastic, shes witty and clever and looks like shes really enjoying the role. i have never seen Dawsons creek but i can kinda get whats its about, but James Van Der Beek playing the fictionalized version of himself is brilliant he is the funnest one them all. However the other supporting cast all fall short, the neighbor who's creepily obsessed with Chloe is just not funny, and the other supporting characters arent worth writing home about, but you watch this show for the three main characters who are all decent and funny enough to merit at least 1 episodes worth of your time.

Tuesday 30 July 2013

My top 5 Films

To get things started ill tell you what this blog is about. Well to put it bluntly it will be a review of what i watched last night, so you can get an idea of what to watch tonight. whether it be films, T.V or a YouTube clip ill tell you what i thought about it.

so to start things off i didn't watch anything last night i was reading all night instead so... what a great first post this will be. So  ill start by telling you my top 5 films of all time. 

My top 5 films 

Well this is an extremely difficult question to ask anybody,and to be honest i haven't really given it much thought, obviously i have been asked the question loads of times but i just pass it off and don't really give a definitive answer we just talk about films that we have seen. so ill try to give a list of my top 5 films and ill try to give a spoiler-free account on why

5. The green mile 
what i love about this film is simple, if you described the premise to someone who hasn't seen the film, it sounds pretty dumb just listen to this: a huge guy called john coffee is on death row and  has magical healing powers (this is boiling down the premise to the extreme) but somehow its one of the most endearing films out there. you seriously feel for john coffee and the gift/curse he has to deal with, and with Tom Hanks as the other main character (probably the main character in the film) showing his amazing acting skills you cant go wrong. if you haven't seen it, although i cant imagine many people that haven't seen it, go watch it.

4. The Evil Dead (2013) 
This film , i have no idea were to start with this film, i feel that if you can sit down and survive this film you can watch any horror film with the comfort of saying 'I've seen the Evil Dead, bring this s*** on'. I haven't got the biggest of balls when it comes to horror films but after seeing the red band trailer online i knew that i just had to go an watch it. Most of the effects aren't CGI which makes all the gore (and ill be underrating it when i says there's a lot) all the more convincing. If you kinda want to know your getting your self in for with this film watch the original 1981 version, its a good film but since its kinda dated its not that very scary and it  gives an idea of what the films about. 

3. The Dark Knight
what to say about this film that hasn't already been said. If you haven't seen this there is just one word, well a couple: heath ledger as the joker. He took an iconic character and made it his own, not only did he make it his own he made the iconic character more iconic. ask anyone that's seen this film whats it like and the first thing they'll say is how good the joker is. Christian Bale is also good but is out shined but heath ledge. if you haven't seen it i have no idea why. go watch it.

2. The Shawshank Redemption 
The king of voice overs Morgan freeman lends us his narrating powers to give us one of the best story of prison life ever (another Stephen king novel). There's a reason that this is number one in IMDB's top 250. the story the pacing and the pay off at the end are all top notch.

1. 12 angry men 
It annoys me when people say that they wont give black and white films a chance, there as good as any other film and this ones my favorite. set in one room the story of 12 jurors deciding on a defendants fate. The film draws you in and totally engrosses you, albeit a bit of overacting from one of the jurors, this film is brilliant.